Micro­needling: 8 reasons why Hollywood celebrities are crazy about this natural Anti-Aging Treatment

In this article, we will take a closer look at Micro­needling and its characteristics.

If you're looking for a natural way to achieve younger-looking skin, Micro­needling may be the right treatment for you.

Micro­needling is an incre­a­singly popular natural anti-aging treatment, and celebrities such as Jennifer Aniston, Kim Karda­shian, and Angelina Jolie have long since disco­vered it for themselves - here is why:

1. Micro­needling is a natural anti-aging treatment that helps improve the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and scars.

Micro­needling is a treatment that uses tiny needles to create hundreds of micro­scopic punctures in the skin. This helps promote the growth of new collagen and elastin, which can help improve the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and scars.

While micro­needling is not as well-studied as some other treat­ments, initial results show that it can be an effective way to improve the appearance of these issues. Micro­needling is a safe and effective treatment that can be used on all skin types. Results may vary, but most people see a signi­ficant impro­vement in the appearance of their skin after micro­needling. The skin becomes firmer, smoother, and more youthful looking.

2. It is a minimally invasive and painless procedure

Micro­needling treat­ments aren't painful, but they can be unpleasant for patients who are appre­hensive of needles. Don't be concerned if you are terrified of micro­needling treatment; we will do everything possible to guarantee that you experience no discomfort or pain during the procedure.

3. Micro­needling can be applied and brings Results in many ways

Micro­needling may be used on many areas of the body: the face, neck, chest, hands, and other parts. It may improve skin tone and texture in a variety of ways by:

  • Soften sunspots and melasma
  • Improve fine line and wrinkle appearance
  • Firmness Tighten areas of laxity
  • Diminish wrinkles
  • Reduce hyper­pig­men­tation
  • Improve stretch mark appearance
  • Reduce acne scars and depressions
  • Increase facial attractiveness

4. The results are visible immediately after the treatment and continue to improve over time.

Because the skin is punctured with tiny needles to make "micro-wounds" during micro­needling, your body immediately reacts to those "injuries". The arrival of healing substances to the wounded region causes blood flow to increase. Initial outcomes include a better skin tone, less acne visibility, and improved skin texture after treatment. However, as collagen and elastin are generated and sent to the treated regions, one will notice that the skin's condition improves.

The outcomes of most treat­ments are typically seen after four to six weeks. At this point, you'll notice that your skin has become both younger and healthier. Of course, depending on your treatment goals, your own results may vary. If you're treating burn scars, for example, it might take longer for you to see the final effects.

5. There is no downtime required after Micro­needling and you can resume your normal activities immediately.

Micro­needling is a minimally invasive technique that requires no downtime. It's considered perfectly safe for most people in excellent health.
For indivi­duals who use any acne medica­tions or for women who are pregnant, the treatment is not recommended.
For a few days after the treatment, you could experience mild redness and discomfort.

Healing from Micro­needling may be completed in as little as 24 hours, though it might take up to two or three days depending on the extent of the treatment. You are free to return to work or go home immediately after treatment and apply make-up 24 hours later.

Post-Treatment Instruc­tions:

  • Do not take any anti-inflammatory drugs for a week after the surgery.
  • Avoid using arnica/​bromelain and ice on your face.
  • Avoid sunbathing and prolonged exposure to direct sunlight for at least two weeks.
  • If you have any soreness, take painkillers.

6. Micro­needling is even safer and less invasive than other anti-aging treat­ments such as Botox or surgery.

Micro­needling and Botox injec­tions are both safe and effective for indivi­duals of all skin types. You may even suggest both micro­needling and Botox injec­tions, using micro­needling to enhance the surface and deeper condition of the skin while Botox injec­tions help increase outcomes over a longer period.

Botox works by freezing muscular movement, which effec­tively prevents the formation of fine lines and softens wrinkles. Botox affects muscles more than anything else, whereas micro­needling affects the skin. Micro­needling causes micro­tears in the skin, which stimulate collagen production and reduce wrinkles and acne scars. It only punctures the skin, whereas botox is injected below the surface of the skin.
For those who want a natural, yet efficient skin rejuve­nation therapy that is long-lasting, Micro­needling is an excellent alter­native to Botox.

7. Micro­needling can be performed at home with a micro­needling device, or at a beauty salon with a profes­sional micro­needling machine.

It's a simple fact that skilled micro­needling delivers outstanding outcomes, while at-home micro­needling produces minimal results. For two reasons, at-home micro­needling will never be as efficient as receiving the treatment done by a specialist.

First, Micro­needling devices are more advanced than ever before. Profes­sional skincare experts utilize more sophi­sti­cated micro­needling equipment and technology. Profes­sional treat­ments using long needles deliver more visible outcomes because of the longer needles' controlled wounding, which is why they should only be used by a professional.

Second, the technique is crucial when it comes to dermal rolling and micro­needling. DIY Videos on YouTube and blog articles about Micro­needling will not teach amateurs the level of expertise that a derma­to­logist or aesthe­tician with proper training and experience has who has performed micro­needling treat­ments on a variety of skin types.

A profes­sional micro­needling treatment in a beauty salon or clinic delivers signi­ficant results, but at-home micro­needling offers little benefit. There's also a risk of infection and scarring. In conclusion, Micro­needling at home can improve your skin, but it won't take the place of an in-salon treatment.

8. It is one of the few anti-aging treat­ments that offers long-lasting results. And finally, it's one of the most affordable anti-aging treat­ments available!

Micro­needling is becoming incre­a­singly popular and better known. Celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow are big fans of Micro­needling and have repor­tedly undergone the treatment. The effects of your treatment typically last three to five months, and many patients opt for repeat treat­ments multiple times a year to preserve their effects. Taking good care of your skin with a careful at-home beauty regimen can help you keep your results.

According to experts and practi­tioners, a maintenance program that includes quarterly treat­ments may be beneficial to your skin's appearance. If you are looking for a safe, effective, and affordable way to improve the appearance of your skin, Micro­needling is definitely worth considering.

If you are interested in Micro­needling treatment, please contact us for a free consul­tation or schedule an appointment directly by phone or online. We are very pleased to welcome you with us.