Laser Hair Removal using Clarity

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Beautiful, smooth skin feels good. This has always been the case for women, but the ideal of beauty for men has changed to include reduced body hair. Unfort­u­n­ately, the thicker the hair growth, the more annoying and often more painful the proce­dures to remove it are. Laser treatment is one of the most efficient methods of hair removal. Bothersome body hair can be removed for the long-term using this technique, allowing you to achieve flawless, smooth skin. We tailor the laser treatment to your unique skin type and to your needs. After only a few treat­ments, you will notice a visible reduction in hair.

A woman in a white bikini lounging on a white floor, enjoying the benefits of laser hair removal.

Laser Hair Removal at a glance

Duration approx. 1 hour
Painless Yes
Follow-up treatment Yes

Laser Hair Removal Prices

Face CHF 200
Upper lip & chin CHF 100
Neckline CHF 100
Armpits CHF 50
Upper arms CHF 200
Lower arms CHF 200
Hands CHF 80
Chest CHF 250
Belly CHF 200
Back & Shoulders CHF 400
Bikini CHF 100
Upper legs CHF 300
Lower legs CHF 250
Upper & lower legs CHF 450
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Laser Hair Removal Information

  • Perma­nently smooth and hair-free skin
  • Suitable for different hair and skin types
  • Treatment is gentle and is usually considered less painful than other methods

Before the hair can be removed, the treatment area must be carefully shaved and hair-free. (Please do not epilate for at least 3 weeks before treatment by plucking, using an epilator, or any other method.) During the laser treatment, the eyes are protected with protective goggles. A laser head is then placed directly onto the skin of the area to be treated, and the light of the laser heats and destroys the hair root inside the skin. The procedure is pain-free for most patients thanks to the intensive cooling feature and can therefore be performed without anesthesia. After­wards, we recommend that you apply the discussed post-care products with your aesthe­tician. All of these products are available from us after the treatment.

The energy of the laser is used to gently and perma­nently remove the hair. Since the special laser only emits light of a certain wavelength, the hair roots can be heated and thus destroyed without damaging the surrounding tissue.

This depends on the skin region and the chosen treatment method. Thanks to the built-in time-saving functions, however, the Clarity system offers fast treat­ments, so that, for example, the entire facial area can be treated in less than 10 minutes.

After treatment with the Clarity system, persi­stent redness rarely occurs, even when it is combined with other skin therapies. You can care for your skin as usual after the treatment.

Only part of the hair root is removed at each session. We therefore recommend 6 to 8 treat­ments at intervals of 2 to 4 weeks (for the face) or 1 to 3 months (for other body regions).

The skin must be protected daily from the sun using sunscreen. Direct sun exposure should be avoided.

The treatment can cause pigmen­tation changes and temporary redness or swelling. During the laser treatment, the eyes are protected from damage by the laser beams by using special glasses.


If you have any questions, would like a consul­tation or a treatment appointment, we look forward to hearing from you.