Hyper­hi­drosis (excessive sweating)

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Many people suffer from unusually heavy sweating, also called hyper­hi­drosis. Annoying sweat spots under the arms, which become clearly visible on certain clothing, can be very disturbing, and this condition can make wearing tight clothing practi­cally impos­sible. Excessive sweating on the hands can also be a source of embar­rassment in everyday life when shaking hands is required, and this condition can even exist on the feet. Persons affected by hyper­hi­drosis can feel embar­rassed and stressed as a result of the condition. Fortu­n­ately, with the active substance is an efficient treatment method for sweat reduction.

A woman is rubbing her arm with a towel.

Hyper­hi­drosis at a glance

Duration approx. 1 hour
Painless Yes
Follow-up treatment No

Hyper­hi­drosis Prices

Per treatment CHF 600
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Hyper­hi­drosis Information

  • Armpits (hyper­hi­drosis axillaris)
  • Hands (hyper­hi­drosis manuum)
  • Feet (hyper­hi­drosis pedum)

The active substance blocks the trans­mission of signals between nerves and muscles that allow muscles to contract. For the treatment, it is injected into a specified muscle and leads to relaxation of that muscle within a few days’ time. This therapy is considered one of the most effective treat­ments for excessive sweating. By inhibiting the release of acetyl­choline from nerve cells, the active substance prohibits stimu­lation of the sweat glands’ activity. The effect of the active substance decreases after about six months.

Sweating is a vital process that protects the human body from overheating. Sweat production allows the body to cool itself, for example, during physical activity. However, if the amount of sweat production exceeds the amount needed for heat regulation, the malfunction of hyper­hi­drosis occurs. The active substance is a means of reducing this excessive sweat production.

Before the doctor injects the active substance, a detailed discussion takes place about the expected effect and also possible side effects. The skin is then disin­fected at the relevant area. The doctor uses extremely thin needles during the injection so the treatment is not very painful. If necessary, an anaes­thetic cream can also be applied before treatment.

  • Intake of blood thinners within the last 7 to 14 days (including aspirin, etc.), but also vitamin-E or gingko-containing medica­tions, supple­ments with omega-3 fatty acid, also multi­vitamin supple­ments (due to risk of bruising)
  • Medication with specific antibiotics (amino­gly­co­sides).
  • Pregnancy and lactation
  • Nerve and muscle diseases

After the injection, you should not exercise for 24 hours.

In most cases, the result is noticeable after two to seven days, and the full effect is achieved after one to two weeks. Rarely, it can take longer to take effect.

The full effect decreases after about three months. The duration of action after that period varies and can be up to six months.

Treatment can be repeated at any time when the effect is diminished.

The injection can cause redness, swelling and bruises (hematomas) at the puncture sites. Your doctor will inform you about possible risks before treatment.

The injection can cause redness, swelling and bruises (hematomas) at the puncture sites. Your doctor will inform you about possible risks before treatment.


If you have any questions, would like a consul­tation or a treatment appointment, we look forward to hearing from you.